Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My new role as "WIFE"

As my husband and I start to plan our first anniversary get-away, I am amazed at how fast this year has gone! I am so truly blessed with a great husband and life together with our two dogs, Layla and Bailey. I really enjoy my new role as someones wife and never get tired of him calling me his wife or someone referring to me as Mrs...it just makes me smile. :)
Although I am probably not the first to admit it, I will join in by saying: I had no idea exactly how much my mom did to run the household! Everyday I feel like I am putting out fires, juggling payments, keeping schedules straight, and keeping the house clean...and we don't even have any kids yet! YIKES! Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. I wouldn't change my life for anything. I am just simply saying,  "Thanks, mom!" :)